Wednesday, February 10, 2010


My little buddy, Boyd, LOVES trains. So, when his mama asked me to help out with is birthday cake, I knew exactly what to do. I have a really cool train car pan that I've been dying to use, so I set to work. He later informed me that the train was missing it's couplers (yes, the four year old pointed that out to me), so I will be sure to come up with something before the next train cake!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For my Koko

Sami has a friend that my kids call Koko, and they absolutely adore her. We love to have her over for dinner, and sometimes I feel like she's just another of my kids. She once mentioned to me that she wanted a music note birthday cake, just in casual conversation. So, when I knew that her birthday was approaching, what else could I do but make her exactly what she wanted. She was so surprised!
That's a custom cakeboard underneath the cake. It's Dvorak violin sheet music (be still, my heart), spray pasted onto a cardboard circle, and laminated.